Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts

Kontes Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kontes Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar. Hmm, kontes seo yang satu ini sungguh dramatis sekali melihat segala upaya telah dilakukan, namun apadaya jika Tuhan memang berkehendak lain bahwasannya kini blog saya terhempas jauh dari arena balap seo ini.

Terlebih banyak sekali master2 seo yang ikut dalam perkembangannya. Selain itu pula skill yang dimilikipun sangatlah mini yang menambah keraguan bahwa blog ini dapat memenangi kontess tersebut. Tatkala takdir telah berkehendak maka itulah yang terjadi, kunfayakun jadilah maka jadilah.

Saya sering menganggap memenangi kontes seo itu hal yang tidak mungkin melihat ketatnya persaingan, namun rasa optimis terus dijunjung tinggi agar dapat memenangi kontes seo ini. Aminn.

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Posted by arihermawan4121 on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman. PT Laku Indonesia (Lakucom) adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang I-Tek (Informasi dan Teknologi). Semenjak tahun 2008, tims Lakucom sudah makan garam dalam sistem online-commerce.

Seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah pengguna dan juga perbaikan infrastruktur IT di Indonesia, Lakucom juga terus bertumbuh dengan pesat melayani ribuan customer dari seluruh penjuru nusantara dan luar negeri. Lakucom terus berkomitmen memberikan produk dan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada setiap customer dan partnernya.

Berikut penuturan Lakucom mengenai Keunggulannya sebagai tempat belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman:

Kenyamanan berbelanja customer adalah tanggung jawab Lakucom, dari mulai membuka website Lakucom sampai barang sampai di tangan customer sehingga memberikan shopping experience yang paling memuaskan,
Data customer akan Lakucom jaga sepenuhnya, tidak akan pernah Lakucom jual kepada pihak ketiga di luar operational Lakucom,
Barang yang ditampilkan di website Lakucom adalah sama dengan barang yang Lakucom jual, karena difoto langsung oleh in-house photographer Lakucom,
Memberikan pilihan yang lengkap dengan harga yang kompetitif bagi setiap customer Lakucom,
Membantu setiap customer dalam setiap hal yang berhubungan dengan Lakucom baik pertanyaan maupun kesulitan, sejauh mungkin yang dapat Lakucom lakukan.
Testimonial Lakucom merupakan asli 100% dari customer Lakucom.
Dan tadi adalah review Budak Banten mengenai belanja online grosir eceran murah dan aman.
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Bisnis Iklan PPC Untuk Blogger Indonesia

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bisnis Iklan PPC Untuk Blogger Indonesia. Untuk ukuran seorang blogger, mencari uang di internet adalah alasan yang sebenarnya dalam berblogging hingga saat ini rasanya. Namun seperti saya, daftar adsense ditolak melulu, coba lagi dan akhirnya direfuse kembali.

Hmm, rasanya sungguh sangat menyesalkan tidak dapat di approve untuk mendapatkan akun adsense. Adsense sendiri itu adalah milik Google, nah kenapa kita tidak mencoba bisnis iklan ppc lokal. Banyak kok yang menyediakan jasa bisnis tersebut, dan sekarang saya coba share tentang SITTI ya.

SITTI sendiri sudah cukup lama berdiri di Indonesia, dengan konsep iklan yang sangat memberikan kemudahan bagi advertiser maupun publishernya kini SITTI menjadi salah satu idaman iklan ppc yang efektif untuk blogger juga murah untuk advertiser.

Silahkan untuk mendaftar menjadi publishernya gampang kok tinggal klik sign up saja. Ini dia linknya Daftar SITTI.

Dan akhir kata semoga Bisnis Iklan PPC untuk blogger Indonesia dapat menjadikan suatu tolak ukur kita dalam berbisnis online.
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Iklan Online Internet di Indonesia

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Saturday, July 28, 2012

Iklan Online Internet di Indonesia. Memang solusi dijaman ini yang paling mudah murah dan efektif untuk promosikan jasa yaitu dengan beriklan diinternet, tidak dapat dipungkiri ber iklan didunia maya sangatlah penting apalagi jika prodak yang ditawarkan adalah berjenis online.

Di Indonesia sendiri, banyak iklan ppc yang menyediakan jasa iklan yang murah dan handal tentunya. Lain bila kita berpromozi di dunia nyata butuh waktu dan tenaga yang lebih, ya bukan berarti Budak Banten lebih memilih untuk beriklan di internet, namun bisa Anda bayangkan sendiri bukan? kini telah menjelma menjadi situs advertise yang semakin berkembang tentunya, saya pun sebagai blogger tidak ragu untuk memakai jasa sebagai publishernya, dikarenakan kualitas hasil nanti diberikan adalah real walaupun hingga kini saya belum goal paidnya. Hehe, maklum lah saya msh baru menggunakan Iklan SITTI ini.

Dan untuk mempromosikan SITTI sebagai Iklan yang murah dan mudah juga efektif, mereka mengadakan Kontes SEO untuk diikuti oleh banyak kontestan termasuk saya. Untung2an bila nanti saya menang, namun msh jauh dari harapan. Hehe.

Buat yang mau ikutan Kontes SEO SITTI ini silahkan saja kerana Lomba ini sangat terbuka untuk umum, yang penting memenuhi syarat, untuk melihat contoh artikel yang dilombakkan Anda dapat melihat artikel seperti yang saya buat ini dengan judul "Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia".

Salam Blogger!
More aboutIklan Online Internet di Indonesia Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar Terbaik di Indonesia

Posted by arihermawan4121 Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar Terbaik di Indonesia. Artikel Budak Banten kali ini akan mencoba berbagi info tentang Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar Terbaik di Indonesia, dimana perusahaan ini sedang membuat Kontes SEO tentang hal tersebut yang dapat diikuti oleh semua orang dikarenakan lomba ini terbuka dan open for all.

Hadiah yang diperebutkan antara lain untuk juara satu sebesar Rp. 1.000.000,- juara dua Rp. 750.000,- juara tiga Rp. 500.000,- dan juga kontrak sebagai admin di website itu. Hmm, lumayan menggiurkan ya. Oleh karenanya ayo yang mau ikutan tinggal daftar aja ke jangan ampe ketinggalan yee.

Demikian info yang bisa Budak Banten share semoga dengan adanya kontes " Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar Terbaik di Indonesia" dapat membawa perubahan yang baik bagi dunia internet khususnya blogger2 seperti saya heeeeee.
More Produsen Kereta Mini Kereta Mall dan Komidi Putar Terbaik di Indonesia

Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Monday, July 9, 2012

Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia

Sebelum berangkat menuju pembahasan, artikel ini secara khusus saya tujukan untuk Anda enterpreneur muda yang sedang mempromosikan produk atau Jasa nya kepada masyarakat luas, dan juga berbagi informasi untuk khalayak pada umumnya. Apa Anda jenuh dengan kurangnya minat konsumen terhadap Produk atau Jasa Anda? Apa Anda sedang mencari cara efektif untuk mempromosikan Produk atau Jasa Anda? Apa Anda bingung di dunia yang serba cepat dan instan ini media apa yang paling jitu untuk mempercepat masyarakat tahu akan produk atau Jasa Anda?

Jangan khawatir, kebimbangan dan keraguan Anda terjawab sudah, kini telah hadir Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia Anda pastinya bertanya? Apa itu Ok,, bagi Anda yang belum tahu apa itu mari saya jelaskan, Sitti adalah jaringan pemasang Iklan kontekstual dalam jaringan internet (online) terbesar di Indonesia yang berdiri tahun 2010. Jaringan Sitti sendiri sudah mencakup ribuan situs dan blog berbahasa Indonesia. Sedangkan Iklan kontekstual adalah Iklan terpasang di halaman situs atau blog yang tepat, menjangkau pengunjung situs yang sesuai dengan profil yang disasar pemasang iklan. Profil ini termasuk umur, jenis kelamin, profesi, sampai gaya hidup. Teknologi yang dipakai adalah berdasarkan kata kunci (keyword).
Sistim SITTI membaca dan mengolah kata kunci untuk memilih iklan yang relevan atau sesuai untuk ditampilkan di situs yang sedang dibaca pengunjung (calon customer Anda). Untuk pemasang iklan (Anda), jaringan ini membantu menjangkau sasaran pasar yang luas. Selain itu impresi iklan gratis, anggarannya fleksibel dan pengiklan bebas menentukan di kota mana iklan akan ditayangkan. Sedangkan untuk pemilik blog dan situs (Saya), halaman dalam blog atau situs bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mendapat keuntungan dari pemasangan iklan melalui SITTI dan bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan bulanan.

Iklan Internet Murah Efektif Berkualitas Indonesia - SITTI

Bagaimana sudah terinspirasi? Ok, saya lanjutkan kembali. Kenapa Anda harus beriklan di internet? Dewasa ini, internet sudahlah berkembang dengan pesatnya, bahkan apabila dibandingkan, dunia maya (internet) lebih berkembang dinamis ketimbang dunia nyata. Saya mau tanya kepada Anda, orang di belahan dunia mana yang kini tidak mengenal internet? So, saya tegaskan sekali lagi bahwa beriklan atau berpromosi di internet adalah suatu hal yang logis untuk mendatangkan calon customer Anda. So, apa kini Anda sudah terinspirasi? Ok, saya jelaskan lebih lanjut lagi.

Pertanyaan berikut yang pasti Anda tanyakan adalah Apa timbal balik yang Anda terima dari beriklan di Beriklan di dengan data yang sudah saya terima pertanggal 9 Juli 2012 jam 19.49 wib, iklan yang sudah ditampilkan oleh telah mencapai 762,358,515 iklan yang telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri. Bayangkan bila produk Anda seharga misalkan Rp. 100.000,- dengan biaya iklan yang bisa disesuaikan dengan budget Anda, apabila dari 762,358,515 menyangkut ke produk Anda sebanyak 10.000 bahkan bisa lebih maka dapat disimpulkan penghasilan Anda pastinya melonjak tinggi. Betul bukan? So, apa yang Anda tunggu lagi segera beriklan di Dengan begitu dapat kita simpulkan pula bahwa merupakan situs iklan terbaik dan memahami akan yang Anda butuhkan. Bukankah memahami itu lebih baik dari mengerti.
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Posted by arihermawan4121 on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Fastest Missile Indian Production

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Friday, November 12, 2010

India, a country which is known by film and dance, was also reliable in the defense industry. This country is able to create a missile that can beat other missile-production missiles developed countries.

"BrahMos missiles, the name of our production missiles. Advantage, our missile is the world's fastest supersonic missiles at once with high accuracy. The speed can reach 1km/detik," said Praveen Pathak, Addl GM (Marketing Promotion) BrahMos Aerospace, a company that produces this missile in Indo Defence 2010 exhibition at Jakarta Fair on Friday (11/12/2010).

Compared with subsonic missiles being marketed today, Indian-made missile was able to move more quickly 3 times. In addition, mileage can be achieved also can reach 2.5 - 3 times higher than subsonic missiles. And most importantly, power destroyed this missile could reach 9 times more than the popular world of subsonic missiles.

Pathak said, "Another advantage of this missile is its ability to be installed anywhere, from helicopters, planes, ships to submarines." In addition, missile control system capable of undertaking Salvo Firing or firing simultaneously, the target assignment or assignments and make sure the target group of targets both on land and at sea. Salvo on 9 projectile can penetrate and destroy the enemy ship group made up of three frigates with anti-missile defense modern.

The missiles to be launched is installed in the cutter tool. The missile will be delivered complete with the driving force in the Transportation and launch Conister (TLC). Modified version of its air missiles that have a lighter weight but stronger during the launch process.

According to Pathak, the fastest missile production cost is inexpensive when viewed in the long term. "The price of missiles in the first place may not be much different with another missile. But, this missile maintenance cost is much cheaper. You only need maintenance during the missile once in three years, unlike other missiles which require continuous care," said Pathak.

BrahMos Aerospace which manufactures missile itself is a joint venture between Russia and India. However, the development of technology, production processes, labor damn where production originated and carried out in India.

"We chose Russia because they have experience in the matter of the engine, while we have experience in the matter of the system so that we will be able to produce missiles of the most good," said Pathak. Joint Venture itself was started in 1998 and in 2005 succeeded in launching this product.

In general, the missile is superior because a far distance, the bullet curved line width, equipped with anti-defense warships as well as the kinetic energy attached to that help power the ship is damaged.
More aboutFastest Missile Indian Production

Panzer "Anoa" Made by Pindad More Intense

Posted by arihermawan4121

Indo Defense 2010 Exhibition utilized PT Pindad to showcase new products. One of the newest products are APC Anoa V2 6 x 6 which is the latest version of their armored production.

APC Anoa V2 6 x 6 or Armored personnel carriers Anoa V2 6 x 6 is slightly different from previous versions. Sukidi Amd, Assistant Engineering Manager PT Pindad (Persero), Friday (11/12/2010), reveals, "Panzer has several modifications that make it more advanced and convenient than previous versions." He said one of its advantages is the main hole located at the top. Sections were made more rounded and convex in order to maximize the defense function so that when shot, the bullet will bounce.

Another plus is on the side and front protective glass. "Previously, the protective glass and the front side should be opened and closed from the outside. It was difficult. Now, the protective glass and the front side can be opened and closed from the inside," said Sukidi. By operating the side of the protective glass, in addition to more convenient, it also minimizes the risk.

Sukidi explained, the main advantages Anoa V2 is the navigation system. "Anoa V2 has a Remote Control Weapon System that allows the operation of the weapon using a joystick. So, like playing games," he explained. The system was to improve the weaknesses Anoa previous versions which require the operation of weapons manually. It was very easy task according to the army.

Conversely, systems that used only to support the operation automatically now equipped with manual operation capability without eliminating automatic. "Ramdoor which is on the back Anoa also made the manual operation of the system so that when the automated system was damaged, ramdoor still works," said Sukidi. The interior of the Anoa V2 also different from the previous version which consisted of seats can be folded.

Anoa V2 is capable of loading 13 crew, has a length and width of 6000 x 2500 mm and equipped with special equipment, such as GPS and NVG. Communication system using VHF and HF Intercomset System. Meanwhile, the weapon system using a Smoke Shield caliber Armanents 66 mm and 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm. Power versus weight ratio is 22.85 HP, maximum speed 80 km / h, and 9.5-meter turn radius. The engine is 6 cylinder in line with cooled turbocharger and helpless in 320 HP.

Sukidi explained, recently began Anoa V2 was developed about two months ago. "Some time before this Indo Defense starts, Anoa V2 recently completed and sent directly," he said. Currently, that can be enjoyed in Indo Defense Exhibition 2010 is the prototype of the product. With this specification, Anoa V2 marketed especially for the Indonesian National Army. Besides Anoa V2, Pindad also showed off three new armored products, namely Police Panzer, Panzer Canon, and Panzer Mortar.
More aboutPanzer "Anoa" Made by Pindad More Intense

Cheap Technology Vessel Monitoring

Posted by arihermawan4121

Indo Defence 2010 exhibition held from 10 to 13 November 2010 at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran. One of the local participants who showcased their products are PT Imani Prima vessel monitoring programs that showcase named Aissat Prime.

The program monitors the ship was used to monitor the presence of ships in a region. "With this program, we can monitor where the ship is located, name of ship, boat serial number, flag state ships and ship speed. So to say this program is better able to monitor more detail than radar," said Firdaus Adinugraha, Imani Prima staff.

Aissat Prime consists of three types of products, namely prime port, sat on a prime, and M2 Prime. The port used to serve the needs of prime and basic data for free, sat on a prime minister needs a more detailed data and paid time while m2 is used to serve the needs of special data request.

"This technology is actually the utilization of technology AIS or Automatic Identification System which is owned by every ship," said Eden. Technology allows each vessel to transmit the data to other ships and satellites to transmit data to its existence.

With Prime Aissat technology, these data are processed and displayed on the consumers with more communicative. "The data item that was used programming language. Well, with this technology the data is made to be more communicative," said paradise.

Today, Prime Aissat technology that has been applied widely is Port Prime. Data data processed by these technologies have been exploited by the Indonesian Maritime Security Coordinating Board and even the Chinese used to detect the hijacking of a ship.

Application teknoloigi Port Prime begins with the installation of the antenna and sending data at the port. "Antennae itself is relatively inexpensive, can be purchased at Glodok even. Meanwhile, the process of sending data to a server in Jakarta is done with the technology available in the area. If for example a GPRS, yes that's what we use," said Eden.

Until now, the installation of assistive technologies Prime Port has been available in some areas in Indonesia and abroad. "There are 12 regions in Indonesia and abroad in Greece, China, and Singapore," said Eden. Monitoring point in the east Inbdonesia already in Bali and Sulawesi.

Firdaus said the relatively inexpensive technology that can actually be useful is great. "For example we want to detect a ship accident, we can also use this technology, provided that the ship has AIS technology. Currently, AIS technology is required on all ships," said Eden. According to him, China was bahkab never use this technology to detect sea vessel that was hijacked, and succeeded.

Currently, he wanted to develop its products to the Port Prime Jayapura. Meanwhile, others such as the M2 version of Prime and Prime Sun is also still being developed. To Sat Prime, he worked with Orbcomm International for the provision of satellite data. Until now, he masihb trying to offer their products can be used for the Navy.
More aboutCheap Technology Vessel Monitoring

Guide Cleaning Volcanic Ash

Posted by arihermawan4121

Currently, Mount Merapi may still show activity, but it subsided, it's time to clean house and volcanic ash on the environment. Before cleaning, there are some things that must be addressed. Do not indiscriminate because the volcanic ash contains elements that are harmful to the body and the environment.

Here is a guide to clean volcanic ash in various places around your home. Guide information obtained under the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN).

Things to do in cleaning the ash out of the room:
1. Plan a day to community service cleaning the ash with neighbors or your community. Remember, coordination should be done.
2. Try to coordinate with certain agencies about how volcanic ash disposal.
3. Always wear a dust mask. If there is, wear a mask IVHHN recommended.
4. Wear sunglasses to protect eyes from volcanic ash. Do not wear contact lenses.
5. Dampen ash in advance with the splash before acquiring them with a shovel. However, do not add too much water.
6. Do not wipe dry ash. Abu-swept can be mixed with air that can be harmful if inhaled.
7. Collect the ashes in a plastic bag that is strong enough. If there is a container truck, collect directly to the truck.
8. Volcanic ash makes a slippery surface. Be careful when cleaning ash in the ladder or roof.
9. Avoid throwing ashes into the gutters, sewers, water lines, or park. Ash can clog the water channels.
10. If the ashes are also found in the gutter or channel of water, then wipe.
11. Do not mix the volcanic ash with other wastes. Volcanic ash can damage the garbage trucks that bring your trash.
12. Change clothes that have been used to clean the ash before re-entering the house.

This must be done to clean up the volcanic ash in the room
1. Make sure the outside of the room is cleared before starting the clean the inside of the room.
2. Ensure good ventilation by opening all doors and windows before you start cleaning.
3. Use one of the entrances to avoid contamination in the area had been cleaned.
4. Do not forget to keep using the mask.
5. No need to get children and pets during the clean up of volcanic ash. Put them in a safe place.
6. Moisten the ash had stuck to the floor. After that collect in a plastic bag that is strong enough.

7. If you want clean clothes and curtains, first suction vacuum cleaner with volcanic ash. After that, wash with regular detergent without rubbing too hard. Scrubbing will damage the fabric because of sharp volcanic ash particles.

8. Clean clothes bit by bit with enough water. Washing clothes takes a lot of detergent.

9. If you want to clean surfaces made of glass, porcelain, enamel, and acrylic surfaces, use a sponge or cloth that has been moistened with detergent water mixture. Avoid rubbing, just wipe with a way of greasing. Rubbing makes it scratched the surface.

10. If you want to clean the surface of polished wood, used to suck dust with a vacuum cleaner. After that, clean with a damp cloth with a way of greasing.

11. If you want to clean the floor, first wet the ashes and collect the ashes into a plastic bag that is strong enough. After that, mop with a clean cloth and wet.

12. If you want to clean electronic equipment, turning off the electricity supply to the appliance. After that, clean with a vacuum cleaner.

13. Do not use a fan brush and floor sweeper for cleaning. It can make the ash into the air.

14. A few months after cleaning, air conditioners and filters should be treated. Always so clean the stove and refrigerator, particularly in the airways.

15. Wash cloth used to wash the goods under running water. Do not be rubbed or scrubbed.
16. Clean room several times a day if the weather is hot.
More aboutGuide Cleaning Volcanic Ash

UGM Make Burger for Cow Victims Merapi

Posted by arihermawan4121

The research team Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Gadjah Mada University has developed a "burger" feed cattle owned by residents of Mount Merapi eruption victims in Yogyakarta and Central Java.

"Burger feed cows to cope with the threat of shortage of fodder. Tens of thousands of cattle in Yogyakarta and Central Java who were evacuated from the disaster the current eruption of Merapi threatened shortage of feed," said team coordinator, Ali Agus, in Yogyakarta, on Thursday (11/11/2010) .

According to him, feed the cow burger is a mixture of various ingredients are mixed so that sufficient nutrients and do not need additional livestock feed ingredients include forages except drinking water.

"Burger cow feed made with raw materials as much as 70 percent of rice straw, wheat bran or wheat pollard (20 percent), molasses and microbial solution (10 percent) to assist the fermentation process," he said.
He said the selection of main feed ingredients derived from rice straw because the price is still relatively cheap and easily available to victims of cattle Merapi.

In fact, for the process of fermentation only lasts 24 hours so it is relatively fast when compared with silage forage feed production technology that takes three weeks.

According to him, the fermentation process "burger" or "complete feed" feed the cow will be successful is marked with a fragrant aroma and texture has not changed or remained the same as the original and does not arise mushrooms.

Manufacturing techniques are also quite easy. After the rice straw and wheat pollard material mixed evenly and then molasses (molasses sugar cane) that has been mixed with microbial solution is splashed on it evenly.
"Furthermore, these compounds included the size of 25-30 kilograms of plastic and tightly bound. Food that can be stored up to six months," he said.

He said, "burger" is a solution to overcome the shortage of cattle feed threat Merapi disaster victims. Moreover, to meet food needs is not easy.

To meet the needs of 65,000 cattle forage minimum required 1300 tons per day if each tail requires an average of 20 pounds per cow per day.

"Similarly, for the needs of feed concentrates, if every cow on average five kilograms per head per day, it is necessary to concentrate as much as 325 tons per day," he said.

According to him, "burger" that cow feed has been distributed around two tonnes of dairy cows to shelter locations in the field Tlogoadi, Mlati, Sleman. Based on observation, the cow like animal feed.

"We are optimistic that if the technology will be adopted to reduce the problem of food insecurity during the crisis of Merapi. Every day now produced about two tons of burgers," he said.

He said the fast food production could be increased significantly. Steps that need to be done is to transfer technology to the farmers and the manufacturing process can be done at a location close to shelter livestock.
"It could give ranchers activity which is also displaced so as not saturated in the evacuation," he said.
More aboutUGM Make Burger for Cow Victims Merapi

RI Invite Big Countries For Reducting Emission

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Indonesian government to expand the involvement of major powers to support the program of emissions reductions from reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Previous Indonesian cooperation with the Norwegian government will be compounded by Canada, the United States, Britain and Australia.

This is expressed by a spokesman for Vice President Boediono, Yopie Hidayat told reporters after accompanying the vice president met with Canadian Finance Minister James H. Flaherty in Vice President Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (09/11/2010).

"One of the materials discussed with the Vice Minister of Finance Canada including Vice President for Canada's bid to participate in emissions reduction program in Indonesia through REDD program," said Yopie.

According Yopie, though interested, the Canadian government will first study the program. "Canadian Finance Minister admitted still going to see more bids are given Canadians had just 10 percent reduction in emissions," he said.

In addition to Norway, added Yopie, Indonesia also has offered the United States, Britain and Australia. "They all expressed interest," said Yopie.

As known, on his working visit in Oslo, Norway, last May, the government of Indonesia and Norway signed an agreement on the REDD program. For the implementation of the program, the Norwegian government pledged commitment to a fund of 1 billion U.S. dollars when Indonesia conducted emissions reductions.

In the same place President Head of Unit for Monitoring and Control Development (UKP4) Kuntoro, who is also Chairman of the Task Force on Establishment of REDD said the progress of cooperation with Norway has been very forward about follow-REDD.

"Now we're in the process of selecting one of the nine provinces that will be the main project emissions reductions," he said.

According to Kuntoro, from the previous five provinces now increased to nine provinces. The five provinces are Riau, Aceh, Papua, East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan. There are also other additional provinces include West Papua. Jambi and South Sumatra and Central Kalimantan.

"We are also now in the process of establishing the agency and prepare the organization that will monitor, report and verify the emission reductions through avoided deforestation and forest destruction," he said.

Task Force, according to Kuntoro, also has prepared its financial regulatory mechanism for the management of REDD. "Provincial election will be conducted later this year," he said.
More aboutRI Invite Big Countries For Reducting Emission

Contaminated Wells Must Be Drained

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Volcano volcanic dust is easy to settle in water. Therefore, water wells affected by volcanic ash will still look clear. However, to prevent risks from substances harmful micro, wells should be drained before use.

This is expressed by the Head of Natural Disaster Study Center Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta, Junun Sartohadi, when contacted from Jakarta on Monday (8/11/2010). It preventive action to eliminate the drainage wells contain heavy metals that attach to the volcanic dust and settle to the bottom of the well.

Heavy metals are micro elements that exist in all types of rock. Kind of heavy metals in volcanic dust, among others, cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu). Although very few in number, the body can not completely exposed to heavy metals. "With the drained, well water it would not make crystal clear, but free from heavy metals that are hazardous to health," he said.

According Junun, depletion is the only way to remove heavy metals from the well. Use a neutralizing agent and penggumpal or coagulant will not remove heavy metals.

Heavy metals are elements that are not easily neutralized, whereas coagulant only serves to purify water. In fact, volcanic ash affected water remains clear. Similar drainage needs to be done at reservoir-reservoir springs so that the water used healthy society again.

Dust removal

Junun asked the government to immediately think of steps cleaning dust from the residential community. After cleaning the home and community environment of dust, dust it should be moved to another place, do not be left sitting in the settlement residents.

Volcanic ash pile would remain because it will affect the health of citizens easier to fly in the wind. Dust removal can be directed to areas of barren and areas with thin soil layer.

"The particles of volcanic dust is very easily decomposed, so it is nice to use as a soil material. Desolate place would be fertile, "he said.

Expert clay mineralogy of the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Bogor Agricultural University, Iskandar, acknowledged, rich volcanic ash soil fertilising nutrients. However, penyuburannya process will take about 10 years.

Efforts acceleration can be done by adding compost, urea, and extracts of humic substances extracted materials-organic compounds in humus. In laboratory tests, the addition of the compound will accelerate the weathering until quite five years.

Iskandar added that the cold dust can be directly used as planting media, but not sesubur 10 years later. Its the same with the sand generally.

For areas that have thin ash rain, dust there must be utilized. The exterior of the new lot of dust which still contains nutrients. If left unchecked, will be dissolved nutrients carried by rain. "Thereafter, the usefulness of volcanic sand must wait until the release of nutrients in the sand when sand particles decayed," he said.

Dead fish

Meanwhile, the death of fish in the pond residents due to rain or volcanic ash is considered an expert of pests and diseases of fish from the Department of Fisheries UGM, Kamiso Handoyo Nitimulyo, caused by changes in density and temperature of the pool water.

Pool water is too murky to make the gills can not work well and damaged and unable to take oxygen. Water-filled dust will also reduce the oxygen content in pond water.

In areas near the peak of bursts of dust, the dust will be very hot. If you enter the water, pool water temperature will change abruptly, so the fish in it died. "Catfish and carp are the species of fish are more powerful live in turbid environments," he said.

To avoid the death of fish in large numbers, according to Kamiso, areas exposed to dust thin should immediately replace the water ponds.
More aboutContaminated Wells Must Be Drained

Smart Bandage to Monitor Wounds

Posted by arihermawan4121

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Research Institute, Germany, to make bandages that can change color to indicate the condition of the wound dibalutnya. If the bandage changed to the color purple, wound infection underneath.

The bandage was physically no different from ordinary bandages, only containing a special fluid that reacts to the level of acidity. Healthy skin or skin that is formed after injury has healed acidity (pH) 5 to 6. According to Gizmag web site, the level of acidity is more than that indicates an infection. "When the pH level of 6.5 to 8.5, dressings changed color was purple," said Dr. Sabine Trupp, who led the study.

This bandage will be tested in a dermatology clinic in Germany. Next, the researchers want to embed an optical sensor on the bandage so the bandage does not only serve to measure the level of acidity, but also displays the analysis results on the screen. "We hope that accurate data can be obtained about injuries," explained the researchers. (National Geographic)
More aboutSmart Bandage to Monitor Wounds

Add Smart with electric shocks

Posted by arihermawan4121

With a little electrical current flow to the brain for 15 minutes, the ability of people in mathematics can be improved. Scientists at the University of Oxford, England, has managed to do that and make one's mathematical ability to survive for 6 months.

The scientists used a stimulation technique uses an electrical current that is channeled directly through the shell to supply power to parts of the brain used to process the numbers (parietal lobe).

Participants were asked to learn the symbols that represent numbers. Then, as long as they receive an electric current, they were asked to organize these figures. Participants are given the stimulation has a greater ability than participants in completing the task without stimulation. Remarkably, when the test performed 6 months later, the ability is still there.

The scientists claim to be doing research again. "The next study will involve people who are weak in mathematics," said scientists from the University of Oxford. They also said this research will help 20 percent of people who have math skills below average and may also be applied in fields other than mathematics.

Scientists have warned for not trying in this way without
supervision of experts and professionals. Large electrical currents
poured into the body can not be arbitrary because it can damage organs. (National Geographic)
More aboutAdd Smart with electric shocks

Mantle Map The Earth Understand Volcano

Posted by arihermawan4121

A group of scientists recently initiated a program of mapping the Earth's mantle, a layer of earth that lies between the earth's crust and core. Andy Nowacki, a geophysicist from the University of Bristol, UK who are involved in coat mapping program, said the study has been very helpful in understanding the volcanic activity and earthquakes.

Why map the coat can help to understand volcanoes and earthquakes? Coat layer is a dense layer having a thickness of approximately 2800 km. Although dense, this layer can move slowly because it has a high temperature. When this layer moves, then the existing tectonic layer on it also moves. Tectonic plate movement that occurs is a potentially increased volcanic activity and cause earthquakes.

At present, experts have learned how North geophysical material in the mantle layer to move and affect the movement of tectonic plates that are therein. However, what happens at the bottom of the mantle layer is still a mystery. Knowing what happens to the layers above and below the coat will enable to predict how the Earth's surface activity in the long term.

Coat mapping program itself will be done with a tool called Seismic CAT Scan. The tool is capable of using X-rays to show the image of the inside layer of earth at the same time it detects motion in the earth using seismic waves. "We'll map out each area of the mantle layer in detail," said Nowacki.

Michael Bergman from Bard College in response to the plan. He reveals, "This tool will not help us predict which occurred at volcanoes in Indonesia, but the larger goal. We're going to understand how heat flows, the structure of the earth's mantle and core structure. In addition, we will also understand about plate tectonics better. " Today, the mantle structure and mechanisms that occur in the lower mantle is unknown.

Bergman also said that for a coat mewujdkan map into reality, it takes a good seismic network in every region of the world. At the moment the earthquake struck, for example, he said that the scene of the earthquake must have seismometers that can record seismic waves at the time. Currently, only a few areas that have a seismograph.

Currently, the tool has been tested to assess Nowacki coat layer that is in North and Central America. Nowacki hope that in the next decade, he could use it in all places. Reviews about the plan published in the journal Nature last October 28, 2010.
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Dust and Vulcanic Sand Very Profitable.

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Monday, November 8, 2010

Sand contained in volcanic materials spewed volcanic, including Mount Merapi, is best quality sand for building materials. The volcanic ash is best used to restore soil fertility.

Volcanology lecturer who is also Head of the Center for Disaster Management Studies University of National Development Veteran Yogyakarta, Eko Teguh Paripurno, when contacted from Jakarta on Sunday (11/07/2010) says, the function of volcanic sand is actually the same as ordinary sand. However, the content of silica (SiO) to create a high quality is very good.

Sand volcano better used for water purification. The pattern of silica sand spired to make the ability to absorb the unwanted particles far better than ordinary sand. However, the use of volcanic sand as water purification equipment require other materials, such as zeolite and charcoal wood.

"In water purification, function volcanic sand just replace the function of ordinary sand," he said.

Volcanic sand is also very good for concrete materials. The tip of the pointed shape of silica particles that have a corner. The pattern of angular particles that make bonding with cement sand volcanoes become more powerful.

Ordinary sand has rounded ends so that the strength of ties with other concrete-making material is weaker.

Geothermal Lecturer and Gunung Api Bandung Institute of Technology, Asnawir Nasution, said that, in addition to silica, sand volcanoes also contain iron (FeO). Iron content of volcanic sand is very good because it has not experienced weathering, so good for building material mixture.

"Sand volcanoes also contain very little clay. In addition to making concrete stronger, at least clay will also enhance the durability of concrete and making concrete kekeroposan lower level," he said.

In Central Java, Mount Merapi to be the target sand, while in West Java, Mount Galunggung sand to be excellent. According Asnawir, Mount Galunggung sand prices could reach Rp 900,000 per truck, while the usual sand brought from Garut only priced at Rp 500,000 per truck.


Eko said that volcanic material that can be utilized for only building in the form of sand or gravel. Large-sized material that only exists in some volcanic eruptions. If you look at the current eruption of Mount Merapi, the sand that can be used predicted only within a radius of 15 kilometers from the summit of Mount Merapi.

Dust material can only be used to enrich the nutrients in the soil. Nutrient content of volcanic material can be used to neutralize the "exhaustion" of land that had been given plenty of inorganic fertilizer.

According Asnawir, volcanic dust functions as a fertilizer is very much determined by the thickness and location. Thick volcanic ash that can not be used directly because it is still hot and high gas content.

In the case of Mount Galunggung, mountain environments are destroyed by dust only takes one year to turn green again. "The dust that reaches remote areas, such as dust Merapi in Bandung, remains difficult to utilize. Dust that thin will be easily carried by rain and wind making it difficult to use," he said.


According to Eko, the eruption of Mount Kelud cases, communities surrounding the mountain has two long broom that can be used to clean sand and volcanic dust in their homes.

The first broom dipped in water to wet sand enabled so you can easily pulled down. The second is equipped with a broom the dust used to draw moist material that is above the tile.

Materials above the tile should not doused with water because it will increase the weight of materials remaining volcano. Because the load increases, the condition can lead to collapse of houses.

"Techniques moisten the material on tile and use a long broom can be applied in the case of Merapi," he said.
More aboutDust and Vulcanic Sand Very Profitable.

Mount Destroying Civilization

Posted by arihermawan4121

The power that destroyed the volcano belongs. Most civilizations the world has ever lost due to a volcanic eruption many-fold strength compared to the enormity of the eruption of Mount Merapi. Merapi, which has killed more than 100 people have made us weep since Tuesday (10/26/2010).

"The Year Without a Summer". That's what happens when on a Monday, April 10, 1815, Mount Tambora in Kabupaten Bima, West Nusa Tenggara, launched the pyroclastic material. Pyroclastic rocks 2-15 cm in diameter ejected as far as 40 kilometers.

The eruption lasted eight days, 5 April-12 April, with a peak on April 10, spewing out 150 billion cubic meters of pyroclastic material.

What remains after that is 92 000 people were found dead and about 80,000 people still living, the Kingdom of Concentration and the Kingdom of Tambora on Sumbawa Island disappeared were buried, and the earth's temperature fell by more than two degrees Celsius (about 5 degrees Fahrenheit). Snow fell in June in Quebec City, Canada, crops in many parts of the world crop failure. Historian John Post called it, "the last great crisis in the Western world."

From the book Bernice de Jong Boers, Mount Tambora in 1815: A Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia and Its Aftermath, cracking noise was heard in Bangka Island (about 1,500 km away), Bengkulu (1775 km), and the sky above the Madura (500 km) dark for three days. The peak of Mount Tambora cut 1,400 meters high which will leave 2,800 meters.

Bima writes poetry Kingdom kapoliptik the disaster:

"Beep bahananya very berjabuh / bucket of water taken Habu / Shouting call the child and mother / thinks the world became gray."


That eruption in modern history of human terdahsyat. Its strength reached about Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 7 maximum VEI of 8. This index is analogous to the magnitude of the earthquake that expressed by the Richter scale. 8 VEI scale explosion occurred at Toba super volcano at 73,000 years ago which led to the formation of Lake Toba with a diameter of 3,000 km.

Terdahsyat volcanic eruptions in the world number two still held by the mountain located in the archipelago, namely Mount Krakatoa, Mount Anak Krakatau is not present in the alert status.

On August 27, 1883, Monday, Mount Krakatoa erupted with force VEI 6, which triggered a tsunami as high as about 50 meters. A ship is 80 kilometers was hit by a gust of wind hurled the eruption.

Krakatau dust floating around the world for two weeks. The world was dark. For years the effect is still felt, causing sunlight to be different that inspired poets West. One is the work of the Norwegian poet, "The Scream", which inspired the effect of Krakatau.

Krakatoa volcanic dust dispersion pattern has helped the understanding of global wind currents. The peak of Mount Krakatoa disappeared and "born" Mount Anak Krakatau.

The 20th century arrived. History of a huge volcanic eruption is the third largest recorded eruption Novarupta which erupted on Thursday, June 6, 1912, with the strength of VEI 6. Pyroclastic material "sucked" from the Mount Katmai, a distance of about 10 km from Novarupta. Katmai caldera and then lived to be about 3 kilometers in diameter, with a depth of about 265 meters.


The Philippines is host to the mountain with the fourth eruption terdahsyat. Saturday, June 15, 1991, the mountain is located near the U.S. naval base at Subic Bay, Luzon Island, Philippines, erupted and caused 850 people died and 66,000 people were evacuated.

Global temperature went down 3 degrees Celsius and during the next three years will be lower 1 degree Celsius or rose two degrees Celsius compared pascaletusan. Pyroclastic dust that spewed out reach 5 billion cubic meters. Pascaletusan, the U.S. Navy base at Subic Bay was closed.

Pinatubo eruption is the first after about 500 years the mountain was detected dormant (sleeping).

The eruption was exacerbated by the hurricanes which hit the Philippines Yunya at the same time.

The rest we can talk about the eruption of Mount Pelee which cost the lives of 30,000 people (the largest at the 20th century). Type eruptions became the basis for setting the type of volcano eruption.

Do not also forget, centuries earlier, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy has buried the civilization of the city of Pompeii.

With a long history of apocalyptic disaster of this kind, we are convinced that this process will continue as part of the earth to find a new equilibrium. And, we are missing any civilization is part of the process ....
More aboutMount Destroying Civilization

Eruption Mount Most Deadly

Posted by arihermawan4121

JAKARTA,Merapi volcano has just erupted on Tuesday (26/10/10) ago and today (29/10/10). The eruption that claimed many lives, including the caretaker of the volcano, Mbah Maridjan.

History records that the volcanic eruption in Indonesia is the most deadly. Of the 10 top list, 4 of them from Indonesia. The victims are killed by these classified as the greatest disaster in the history of volcanic disaster of the recorded world. You will find that fact by looking at the list below.

1. Mount Tambora (1815)

This active volcano is located on the island of Sumbawa. Terhebatnya explosion occurred in 1815, explosion that killed 92,000 people. Because of the enormity of the Tambora eruption, volcanic ash thrown up to the stratosphere are released air. in addition, the result of the eruption is also still being felt throughout the year 1816, such as climate change, small tsunamis and volcanic ash rain.

2. Mount Krakatau (1883)

Located in the Sunda Strait that memissahkan Java and Sumatra. The biggest eruption occurred on 26 and 27 August 1883. Reportedly, a voice was heard volcanic ash vulkaniknya Australia and spread to areas far away. The explosion also caused the tsunami in the Sunda Strait region and destroy the surrounding towns. Some 36,417 people died.

3. Mount Pelee (1902)

The location of this mountain is north of Martinique, France. Eruptions occurred from April 25 until May 3, 1902. volcanic activity that occurred in that period caused severe damage in the town of Saint Pierre, close the city streets with volcanic ash and killed 30,000 people. Reportedly, only 2 people of the city which miraculously survived the disaster.

4. Mount Ruiz (1985)

The mountain is located in Caldas, Colombia. Has been active for thousands of years, this mountain has never been as good erupting in 1985. The eruption of the year is very powerful, so swallow 25,000 casualties. The eruption was also once very surprising because previous mountain has "break" for 150 years.

5. Mount Unzen (1792)

Unzen is located in the city of Shimabara, Kyushu Island, Japan. Some of these volcanic eruption ever recorded, like the last eruption in 1991. Terdahsyat eruption occurred in 1972 that emit lava from one peak, called peak Fugendake. Explosion also caused the earthquake and tsunami. As many as 14,300 people were killed in the disaster.

6. Mountain Men (1783)

The mountain is located in Iceland. The biggest eruption occurred on June 8, 1783. A total of 14 cubic kilometers of lava released by the volcano and flood the surrounding area. Villages, livestock and people living around the volcano victims. The number of deaths reached 9350 people.

7. Mount Kelud (1919)

Kelud is one of the most active volcano in East Java. This mountain has erupted several times in the 20th century, including 1951, 1966 and 1990.

The eruption of the greatest occurred in 1919. A total of 5110 people stripped his life in the disaster. Finally, the mountain erupted in 2007 but the government managed to evacuate the residents to flee to avoid catastrophe. The eruption was also not too big.

8. Mount Galunggung (1822)

Galunggung located in Tasikmalaya, West Java. The biggest eruption was in 1822. In the eruption, at least 4011 human lives lost.

9. Mount Vesuvius (1631)

The mountain is located near the coastal area of Naples, Italy. One of the most active volcanoes in Italy is to provide two views are contradictory, at once awe of the beauty of landscape of grief due to the deadly eruptions thousands of lives. The biggest explosion claimed 3500 lives and destroying villages in the vicinity.

10. Mount Vesuvius (79 AD)

The biggest eruption of Vesuvius occurred on 24 August 79 AD. As many as 3360 people were killed in the disaster. Explosion is expected to last for 19 hours with a volume of volcanic ash that reached 1 cubic mile. The eruption was also buried two towns in Italy, Herculaneum and Pompeii. A total of 1150 victims of the eruption of the skull was found through the excavation process recently.
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