Put your body mass 65 kg. Sure, the size of your testicles will not be up to 10 percent aka 6.5 pounds is not it? However, things are different species obtained by scientists at a cricket named bushcricket (Platycleis affinis). Testicular size crickets it takes 14 percent of his body mass.
"We could not believe the size of these testes. Testicle seemed to fill all parts of the belly of the crickets," said Karim Vahed, behavioral ecologist from Britain's University of Derby.
Testicle size relative to body mass of crickets was crowned as the largest testicular size. Testicular size crickets beat testicular size fruit fly, Drosophila bifurca, which reached 10.6 percent body mass.
Apparently, the phrase "size does matter" also applies in world cricket. Scientists found that a large testicular size was used to attract the opposite sex so that the male can mate with as many females.
Unfortunately, the big testes was only able to produce sperm in smaller amounts. As a result, opportunities for successful egg fertilized females to become increasingly small.
"The size of the large testes have more to do with the number of females who could be married than the number of females that successfully fertilized," said Vahed.
The findings are a bit tenuous at the previous theory. Usually, the females of many species, including monkeys and probably humans, choosing a large male to male bertestis have a greater chance to be fertilized. Testicular size is usually proportional to the number believed to sperm produced.
In connection with the result that, Vahed said, "The message of importance is that we should not expect the same rules for all species because it could be the same, but may also be different." The results of this research published in the journal Biology Letters, Tuesday.
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