How Storm Tropical Orchid Formed

Posted by arihermawan4121 on Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tropical Storm Orchid presence in Indian Ocean waters adjacent to the Mentawai has resulted in delivery of aid to tsunami victims disrupted. Tropical storms that cause the ocean wave height and wind speed increases so that disrupt transportation routes by air and sea.

What exactly is the Orchid Tropical Storm? A Fahri Radjab, Division Head of the Tropical Center Tropical Cyclone Warning Center (and its counterpart) Kilmatologi Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, said the tropical storm Orchid is actually something called tropical cyclones, namely a rotating wind circulation and originating from tropical areas that warm. Orchid just the name given to tropical cyclones.

Occurrence of Tropical Cyclones Orchid also has a certain factors. In general, tropical cyclones were formed by three main factors. "The first factor is the temperature of the warm sea water resulting in evaporation of sea water. Sea water will be turned into water vapor and condensed in the atmosphere," said Fahri when interviewed today (11/02/2010). Collection of water vapor in the atmosphere will be the main energy source for tropical storms.

The second factor is the concentration of low pressure. "The concentration of low pressure will cause air from elsewhere gathered in the central region. Because, in principle, air will move from place to place high-pressure low-pressure," said Fahri continued his explanation. The collected air is eventually going to be something that is moved so that it can create a system of rotation.

Meanwhile, the third factor or factors are driving the Earth's rotation. "The earth is moving on its axis will be the driving factor. The wind was collected in the region and the water vapor will be driven by kinetic energy from the earth's rotation, thus forming a tropical storm," he said. If the low pressure center located in the southern part of the earth, nature of rotation is clockwise, and vice versa.

The three factors that will affect each other and cooperate to form a tropical storm through three stages. The first stage is the stage of formation where the rotation speed of the wind began to rise. Meanwhile, the second phase is characterized mature stage of its maximum rotation speed of the wind. The last stage is the stage where the speed of rotation extinct wind began to weaken and eventually disappear. Time of its formation can vary in every storm.

Each factor alone will determine the characteristics of tropical storms that can be seen from the rotation speed of the wind. For example, Fahri said, "The lower the air pressure in the center of pressure, the rotation speed of tropical storms will be higher. But, where does not specify. It can not be generalized that the tropical storm in the Pacific is much stronger than in the Indies. Just depends on air pressure , moisture and rotation of the earth, "said Fahri.

Based on the speed, tropical body can be categorized into five. The first category has a speed of 73-90 km / hour, a Category 2 speed 90-125 km / h and category 3 has a speed of 125-166 km / hour. In the meantime, a category 4 has the speed of 166-205 km / h and Category 5-speed 205-277 km / hour. Grouping characteristics of tropical bada was conducted by Australia.

Looking at the speed of today's Tropical Storm Orchid, Fahri revealed that the storm is still included in category 2 and in a mature stage where the maximum wind speed. "The speed of rotation around the wind on this day at 7:00 pm is 110 km / hour. There are still included in category 2," he said. Fahri estimates, its speed will still be high the next day and will enter the stage of extinct about November 5, 2010.

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